To all particpants or those interested in the amazing .....
From Lynne Paradis, Lead Facilitator and Trainer and mentor of our D 5370 team.....
This is my first entry to the BLOG (my apology) as I have in the last five days been all across Belize and visited all 7 sites for our program. Often Internet has been not available but this weekend as Jennifer and I are resting in Placencia we are catching up on what participants have been writing and here is an update from your organizing group of me, Jennifer Lawley and Donna Barrett. A few informed observations are worthy of note:
1. In every site our Canadian group is doing AMAZING work. I have been hugged and kissed so many times (not so much by the Canadians) but by the Belizean participants who are expressing gratitude for the quality of educators we brought, the enthusiasm of the team, the generosity of the Rotarians in unloading shipments of materials that are being used in the workshops and for the leadership provided in the program. I want to applaud every site team for how they are working as a collaborative group and optimizing the skills of their members by adjusting schedules so that the Belize educators benefit from the BEST of the collective skills of our team members.
2. Team leaders at each site: You have been so creative, flexible and affirming to your team members and the Belizeans you come in contact with. You have taken charge of your sites and are providing essential leadership to each site which has made it a significant improvement over other years of the program because you take charge of problem solving on site in a calm and encouraging manner. Clearly, putting trained administrators in as team leaders in each site has streamlined alot of work in solving emergent problems delicately and effectively. I am a bit reluctant to say this but Jenn and I have not had one phone call from anyone in the program for two days so you are doing a terrific job of problem solving on site. This makes things much easier and less confusing for the Ministry of Education managers and Rotarians as well as for Jennifer and I. By having ONE key contact at each site our work is being done more efficiently. I am so appreciative ---- and hope you want to consider continuuing in whatever form of future programming emerges. YOU HAVE BEEN OUTSTANDING LEADERS! Your teacher counterparts at each site are singing your praises and express relief that they know they have a local leader on site. As program leaders, Jenn and I welcome your calls and appreciate that you look for the best ways to solve challenges.
3. Learning Coach Coaches -- It has been exhilarating to see you in action. I have been an observer, a lecturer, a participant in intriging science experiments (thanks Greg), a witness to vibrant and exciting group discussions on effective teaching strategies (thanks Stan and Sandra), and an observer of valulable small group discussions (Belmopan, San Ignacio, Orange Walk and Corozal). Your are providing strong modelling for your Belize Learning Coaches to do a confident job next week when hundreds of Belize primary teachers arrive for four days of PD led by the protegees you trained.
4. Rotary support - I have attended Rotary meetings in Punta Gorda (with our site team members), San Ignacio (with the team members) and Jenn has attended Stann Creek Rotary with the Dangriga team and our team leaders and/or teacher learning coach leaderrs have attended meetings in Orange Walk, Corazol, and Belize City. That is all sites covered ---WOW what a show of support for the Belize Rotary Clubs and our Canadian Clubs even though we know it made it difficult for you to be on your sites teaching on time == but know that your leaders REALLY appreciate that you have made it a priority to have a presence and to communicate the good things that are happening to local Belize Rotary Clubs.
I hope all of you are enjoying the weekend and resting and relaxing to gear up for week two when hundreds of primary teachers will be learning about effective teaching from you trained Belize Learning Coaches and their trained Ministry of Education Mentors while you continue to educate the secondary teachers in Belize on topics of professional development that they have identified as high interest areas. REST AND RELAX. Keep patting yourself and your colleagues on the back for volunteer work that is quality work, very needed in Belize and very encouraging in making a difference for Belize children.
Love you all...
Lynne Paradis
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