Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wonderful Week Two Workshops

I spent this week travelling around six sites,Belize.City,Belmopan,San Ignacio,Dangriga,Orange Walk and Corozal, to see for myself how the workshops were going during week two of our training.I can tell you that I was so very impressed and excited to see the wonderful things that were happening in the primary and secondary teacher workshops.

Our teams had done such a great job in week one training the Belize teachers to
be Learning Coaches and I saw the most impressive teams of them conducting their own workshops to over 1500 of their colleagues.They were so very confident and so well prepared and did an incredible job.
Our training team was also doing an amazing job conducting the sessions to over 500 secondary teachers on such topics as Cooperative Learning,Differentiated Instruction,Technology Integration,Instructional Strategies that Work for Excellence,Strategies that Encourage Positive Student Behavior and Homework. I was really impressed with the engagement of these teachers.This is a first for our team and all indications were that the secondary teachers want more of our training.
I heard from many teachers that this was "so worthwhile", "these presentations were so necessary"and "I especially liked and got so much from the discussion forums"

Thank you to my driver for the week,Mr Fraser
who took me around Belize this week.We spent some 8-10 hou
rs each day in the car but it was very definitely well worth it as I saw so many wonderful things that our teams had created.
Thank you all for really making a difference for this beautiful country of Belize.

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